jueves, 28 de junio de 2007

... rescue..

... we lost some
of our heroes in the way
people that made you dream or laugh
those who will always be missed
no matter how many time goes by
we all had our bad times
but now i'm one of the greatest
now when i have no more people to follow
so if you don't wanna get lost
just follow me..

2 comentarios:

begusa dijo...

... we lost some
of our heroes in the way
people that came to make us dream or laugh
those will always be missed
no matter how much time goes by
we all had our empty moments

But I have never been a heroine
and I’ve plenty of smiles
now that I have no people to hunt
and nobody hunting me...

If you want to be a hero
You will always live
without allowing yourself
the chance to get lost
BuT... if you are brave enough
to forgive your mistakes
and get lost whenever it may happen
then... just follow me

GUIZMO dijo...

Hostias tío, no sabía que te habías pasado al lado oscuro...
¿Qué tal te va la vida, el verano y todo en general? Como habrás visto ya no me prodigo demasiado por el messenger pero bueno, ya coincidiremos o hablaremos por aquí.
Un abrazo David, espero que estés bien ;-)